How Big?


1. It's Estimation Time


Suggested Learning Intentions

  • To estimate, measure, and compare different lengths, masses, capacities, and temperatures of common items
  • To accurately measure using scaled instruments

Sample Success Criteria

  • I can estimate the size of a range of dimensions 
  • I can measure using a range of units
  • I can compare different dimensions of two or more common shapes or objects
  • I can explain my thinking using a range of manipulatives

2. Uncle Jack's Land


Suggested Learning Intentions

  • To compare and contrast perimeter and area
  • To explain how to convert between units of linear measurement
  • To formulate the rules for areas of two-dimensional shapes
  • Students explore and define equable shapes

Sample Success Criteria

  • I can explain the difference between perimeter and area
  • I can convert between different units of measurement
  • I can calculate the area of two-dimensional shapes
  • I can define equable shapes
  • I can use manipulatives to model and explain my thinking

3. Do We Have Enough Space?


Suggested Learning Intentions

  • To devise the formulas for area of two-dimensional shapes and to make connections to real-life problem applications of these rules
  • To solve problems involving the comparisons of lengths and area using appropriate units

Sample Success Criteria

  • I can calculate perimeter and area
  • I can solve real-world problems using my knowledge of two-dimensional shapes
  • I can model my solutions using a range of manipulatives

4. Who is Right?


Suggested Learning Intentions

  • To articulate the formulae for areas of two-dimensional shapes
  • To explain how to convert between units of linear measurement

Sample Success Criteria

  • I can convert between different units of measurement
  • I can describe the formulae to calculate areas of two-dimensional shapes
  • I can calculate the area of two-dimensional shapes
  • I can use concrete materials to model my thinking and justify my solutions

5. How Big is That Balloon?


Suggested Learning Intentions

  • To compare different lengths, masses, capacities, and temperatures
  • To convert between a range of units 
  • To theorise the volume of a sphere

Sample Success Criteria

  • I can compare different measurements
  • I can convert between different units of measure
  • I can calculate the volume of a sphere
  • I can use manipulatives to model and demonstrate my thinking
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