How to use

Teachers are encouraged to explore the learning sequences on their own or in collaboration with colleagues

Differentiated, scaffolded and customisable

Learning sequences can be used by teachers at all levels of capability and experience, including early career and out-of-field teachers, and teachers teaching English or mathematics for the first time. They can also be used by leading teachers as exemplars in professional learning.

Each Stage includes suggested activities, organised in three phases: Get started, Go deeper and Reflect and consolidate. Activities are provided as suggestions, which can be used ‘as is’ or adapted to better meet the needs of students. Suggested learning intentions and success criteria are provided for each Stage. Activities are also carefully scaffolded, with links to teacher and student resources and supports.

Sequences are differentiated and show how teaching can be enriched through the integration of curriculum content from several learning areas and capabilities.

Teachers can browse this site to identify teaching ideas. They can also download all or part of a sequence in several formats using the ‘Download and customise’ button.