The Bone Sparrow: A Novel Study


1. Identifying and Exploring Ideas in Texts


Suggested Learning Intentions

  • To identify and explore ideas and viewpoints about events, issues and characters represented in texts drawn from different historical, social and cultural contexts

Sample Success Criteria

  • I can identify a range of viewpoints in a variety of texts
  • I can recognise layers of meaning in a text

2. Examining How Language Creates Character


Suggested Learning Intentions

  • To analyse the techniques authors use to position readers
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of language forms and features

Sample Success Criteria

  • I understand how language can be used to influence the emotions and opinions of a reader
  • I can identify the ways in which language is used to create character

3. Understanding and Critiquing Issues in Texts


Suggested Learning Intentions

  • To use comprehension strategies to comprehend and critique ideas and issues in a variety of texts

Sample Success Criteria

  • I can scan a text to find key pieces of information
  • I can identify the key issues in a text
  • I can interpret the abstract content in a text

4. Analysing Visual Texts


Suggested Learning Intentions

  • To understand how visual texts generate a point of view

Sample Success Criteria

  • I can analyse visual texts to identify a point of view
  • I can use a range of visual metalanguage

5. Creating Literary Texts: Pantoums


Suggested Learning Intentions

  • To create literary texts that adapt the stylistic features encountered in ‘The Bone Sparrow’

Sample Success Criteria

  • I can experiment with text by adapting it into a different literary form
  • I can develop an imaginative text around a theme or social issue
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