Poetry and the Possibility of Language


1. Building the Field: Reading and Responding to Poetry


Suggested Learning Intentions

  • To read and interpret poems
  • To use performance techniques when reciting poetry

Sample Success Criteria

  • I can explain a personal connection I make to a poem using evidence from the text
  • I can use voice and movement to present a personal interpretation of a poem

2. Modelling the Text: Examining Poetic Structures


Suggested Learning Intentions

  • To demonstrate how poetic structures influence meaning for the reader

Sample Success Criteria

  • I can use lines and stanzas to convey a feeling or a thought
  • I can use words precisely to express and convey feelings and thoughts

3. Modelling the Text: Examining Poetic Language


Suggested Learning Intentions

  • To build understanding of the purpose and power of imagery in poetry
  • To use the poetic devices studied in mentor texts in my own writing

Sample Success Criteria

  • I can identify an example of imagery and suggests its effect
  • I can experiment with language features in my own writing

4. Deconstructing Mentor Texts: Examining Rhythm and Rhyme


Suggested Learning Intentions

  • To understand how poets use rhyme and rhythm
  • To use the poetic structures studied in mentor texts in my own writing

Sample Success Criteria

  • I can identify examples of rhyme, alliteration, assonance and consonance
  • I can use rhyme and rhythm in my writing

5. Collaborative and Independent Writing


Suggested Learning Intentions

  • To explore how personal feelings, memories and viewpoints are developed in poetic forms
  • To compose a poem based on personal interests, experiences or emotions

Sample Success Criteria

  • I can suggest the ideas and emotions expressed by a poet
  • I can plan, draft and publish a piece of poetry
  • I can express my feeling and views in a poetic form
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