Bringing Life to Data


1. Class Statistics


Suggested Learning Intentions

  • To gather and organise data to answer questions about our world
  • To explore various graphic techniques and explain how they provide a different picture of the shape of the data

Sample Success Criteria

  • I can gather and organise my data to answer questions about the sample population the data came from
  • I can demonstrate my solution and thinking using a variety of manipulatives
  • I can describe key features of graphs
  • I can construct graphs in ways that help me represent and understand data

2. Talking Rubbish


Suggested Learning Intentions

  • To design questions that can be answered using statistics
  • To investigate how data can be used to solve real world problems
  • To describe data using numbers; these are called statistics

Sample Success Criteria

  • I can design a question to investigate that can be answered using statistics
  • I can collect, analyse, and interpret data to address a real-world problem
  • I can model data using a variety of manipulatives
  • I can describe data using statistics

3. Demographic Diversity


Suggested Learning Intentions

  • I can design a question to investigate that can be answered using statistics
  • I can collect, analyse, and interpret data to address a real-world problem
  • I can describe data using statistics

Sample Success Criteria

  • I can design a question to investigate that can be answered using statistics
  • I can collect, analyse, and interpret data to address a real-world problem
  • I can describe data using statistics
  • I can model data using a variety of manipulatives and use this to analyse the data

4. Welcome to the Global Village


Suggested Learning Intentions

  • I can design a question to investigate that can be answered using statistics
  • I can collect, analyse, and interpret data to address a real-world problem
  • I can describe data using statistics

Sample Success Criteria

  • I can explain how populations differ using statistics and graphic techniques
  • I can model data using manipulatives
  • I can justify my choices of how I represent data visually or with statistics
  • I can communicate my findings effectively
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